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The Suits Won't Go Away


May 1, 2018

The Suits Won't Go Away

-by doug draime

I've seen these Suits

with dead faces,

since I was a

kid. I remember

closing my eyes tight,

after looking

at an insurance salesman

or a preacher (how do

you tell the difference?),

and praying he would not

be there

when I opened

my eyes.

I still do it at times with

CEO's in their

designer suits, and generals

in battle dress: death arrayed

in ribbons across their breast.

I shut my eyes tight still,

at morticians and talk show hosts,

and lying politicians,

with a hint of color in their

Porky Pig neckties.

Not to say, though, that all

men who have worn or who wear

suits are on my shit list.

Camus looked fantastic in a suit.

Presley wore suits with an unmistakable cool.

Miles and Coltrane and Kenneth Patchen

wore suits.

And Einstein wore a black rumpled suit

with impeccable class.

I admire men like that who happened

to have worn suits!

Men who have something to sell

other than

war, mind control and

spiritual stagnation.

I know the Suits will not go away,

no matter how long

I close my eyes and pray.

It's been the same since the white race rose to power.

The Huns were Suits, and down

the line, Hitler.

Many of our leaders imitate him,

wearing his Suit of death:

perfect fit, no tailoring
